Star trek voyager season 4 episode 8 putlockers
Star trek voyager season 4 episode 8 putlockers

  1. Star trek voyager season 4 episode 8 putlockers movie#
  2. Star trek voyager season 4 episode 8 putlockers series#
  3. Star trek voyager season 4 episode 8 putlockers tv#

I have to say that this double episode 'Endgame' was absolutely brilliant, a work of. Ezzel viszont elvágják az azonnali hazafelé vezető utat is, de Janeway kapitány fontosabbnak ítéli egy nép túlélését a saját érdeküknél.Īz elpusztult maquis hajó legénységét a fedélzetre fogadva segítenek a Gondviselőnek, majd megkezdik a hazafelé vezető 70.000 fényéves utat az ismeretlen Delta kvadránson át. Star Trek Voyager - Season 7 (Slimline Edition) DVD Today () I watched the last episodes of Star Trek Voyager, in fact the last episode of all of Star Trek so far (apart from the weak recent film, which in my opinion falls into the Star Wars trap). A Voyager feladata, hogy átsegítse az ocampákat a Gondviselő elvesztésén, illetve, hogy elpusztítsa a Gondviselő otthonaként szolgáló űrállomást, amit az ocampák ellen lehetne fordítani. A lény haldoklik, de nem akarja magára hagyni a rábízott bolygó népét - az ocampákat -, akik még nem elég felkészültek a planéta elhagyására vagy az agresszív kazonok elleni védekezésre. Egy Gondviselő nevű magasabb rendű lény fogadja őket,Īkinek szüksége van a segítségükre. A Voyager a Maquis nevű terrorista szervezet egyik hajóját indul felkutatni, azonban egy csillagközi anomáliának, a Vadvidéknek köszönhetően mindkét hajó átkerül a Galaxis túlsó végébe, a Delta Kvadránsba. 10 Tattoo - 6.A Star Trek: Voyager a Star Trek univerzum negyedik televíziós sorozata, amely a USS Voyager föderációs csillaghajó történetét meséli el.Ģ371-et írunk. Nick Frost as Bajie Into the Badlands Season 3, Episode 8 Photo Credit: Aidan Monaghan/AMC. With Federation and non-Federation worlds alike feeling the impact, they must confront the unknown and work together to ensure a. Star Trek: Voyager is the fifth Star Trek series. Discovery facing a threat unlike any they’ve ever encountered. Season four of Star Trek: Discovery finds Captain Burnham and the crew of the U.S.S. Watch them for the shocked laughs, the bad effects, or the drinking games. WATCH: A Star Trek: Discovery First Look at Season Four. In fact, it's amazing and even impressive how bad they could be. While investigating a massive shock wave in space, Janeway and Paris (Kate Mulgrew, Robert Duncan McNeill) transport to a planet where all. Voyagertook a few interesting chances when it came to characters and storylines, and those experiments didn't always work out.

Star trek voyager season 4 episode 8 putlockers tv#

The Star Trek TV shows of the 1990s, now enjoying the vintage status and the nostalgia that it brings, faced similar scrutiny.

Star trek voyager season 4 episode 8 putlockers series#

Does anyone remember The Next Generationmovies of the early 2000s? There are a few entries in that category that Paramount and Viacom wish audiences would forget. The series follows the crew of the USS Discovery as they encounter new worlds and civilizations, delving into familiar themes and expanding upon an incident that has been talked about within the franchise's universe, but never fully explored.

Star trek voyager season 4 episode 8 putlockers movie#

The first movie is mostly forgotten, living in the shadow of its amazing sequel, but it won awards for bad films at the time.

star trek voyager season 4 episode 8 putlockers

Star Trek isn't going anywhere anytime soon, despite some disastrous productions. RELATED: 10 Characters From The Star Trek Universe That Deserve Their Own Series

star trek voyager season 4 episode 8 putlockers star trek voyager season 4 episode 8 putlockers

Modern writers experimenting with concepts like alternative timelines, new technology, complex characters, and vintage lore that pre-dates even the original series. That does mean that there haven't been bumps along the way, however. There aren't that many television shows from the 1960s that are still generating movies, TV shows, video games, and a myriad of merchandise in the present day.

Star trek voyager season 4 episode 8 putlockers